Sunday 21 March 2010

Harrison shoot!

Hello internet!

So I have been meaning to blog for the last couple of days .. I finally got round to re-shooting some Harrison photos. I think that the shoot went well. I was filmed in the studio this time by my good friend Abbie!! I am currently vlogging about using the studio for one of my uni projects. Unfortunately its deadline week at uni so haven't really got round to editing many, but after Tuesday I will probably blog with my new edits.

I have tried to light the images better this time. So hopefully they will be an improvement from the last time in the studio. When I get to spend more time looking through them hopefully I'll be able to see if they have. I think that is it for updates. I think its time to catch some Zzs.

Night Night internet.

Monday 15 March 2010

Calendar complete!

Hey internet!

I finally finished and made the calendar for the rugby team. I think it was fairly successful, though I don't like some of the photos. It was fun to organise and put together though, so its all gravey!! I Have another photoshoot with Mr. Nash on Friday.

I want to improve the studio suit shots! I've booked the studio for longer so will have more time to play with lighting. I'm hoping my shots will come out better!! But time will tell!

yeahhhhhhhhh ....

Goodbye internet!

Sunday 7 March 2010

Rugby Calendar

So i'm Sat in the library on a Sunday afternoon -what does that mean?! Blog time! Hey internet, i've decided that it's time to do another blog. Firstly I am going to try and improve my writing on this as all I seem to do are short sentences and '!!!'. Secondly I actually have news about the rugby calendar! (it was needed there). We stared shooting for it on Thursday, it went okay and we've got a few ideas, but I don't think we can use any of the photos that we have taken. Though the rugby team seem to find them hilarious I don't think people will actually pay for the photos of them. Don't get my wrong some of the photos came out great they just need to be smartened up a little but but others just don't look right. So tonight we are going to work on a schedule and actually get down to creating this calendar.

The editing of Harrison's photos is not going well. I have a couple more to edit, but i'm still fighting with photoshop to do it, also I have been catching up on work and been taking photos for the calendar.

I've started a vlog for one of my modules, I'm talking about my studio photography in hopes that I will get feedback and comments so that I can improve my skills in the studio. Check it out!

I'll keep you updated on how the calendar shoot goes and hopefully will have some more studio shots up soon.

Good-bye internet.